Sunday, February 27, 2011

Random Thoughts | Random Photos

Now, while I'm about to go on a bit of rant, let me first say that in now way shape or form do i consider myself an expert photographer.. With that said, i do consider myself an expert consumer in all things social networking. Ive pretty much have been a member of many social sites from friendster to facebook, from deviant art to flickr, and plenty of forums, so it is with this said that i find it unacceptable for social networking sites to not provide the best level of quality in their products and services..

Let me start with my biggest issue, Facebooks photo quality.. I mean shit!, $50 billion and the quality of the photos you upload look like complete shit. In a world with 3D Tvs in our homes it is frustrating to me that a company as huge and as popular as facebook would allow to put out sub-par services such as this. One of their biggest things from their early beginnings was the ability of wanting to share your photos with all your friends, so i would figure that providing some sort of high quality and higher definition would be something facebook would care about. But it is obvious this is not a priority. I just hate going through the process of editing photos and making sure things look as perfect as possible, only for me to upload something to facebook and it look like i just edited using a pencil and a sketchbook. Who do you have to fuck at facebook to get some sort of programing done, or have them take cues from photo social networking sites such as flickr to be able to provide great quality of photo sharing??.. Hopefully not Zuckerberg..

Hey twitter, you would think with the amount of celebrity co-signers you have that you would try to work on your network so it doesn't fucking crash every other day.. and how about not blocking the mobile services of apps that are way more superior than that bullshit blackberry puts out.

With that said, i love facebook and twitter hahaha.. *cough cough* @DL_Productions *cough cough*

-end of rant.. While i dont expect anyone to ever read this, i still love all of you that do..

With all that said, here are some random shots from the DC Auto Show to keep you somewhat entertained :)...

(Click on photo to view larger)
Car Show Model

Car Show Model

Spirit of Ecstacy

Snooki Look-a-Like

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Working Progression... Self Portraits

Since the day i started this blog, the image and design has gone through a few transformations. If you've been here since the beginning you've been able to see it grow and change and become abit more personal which each new re-incarnation. This version includes a collage of night photos ALL taken by me in or around the Washington DC area, aswell as the top image being, well, Me... The more i look at this new version, the more i think this one might stick for long time, so i hope all of you like it! haha..

In other news, I have two small projects in the works. Right now all the details and logistics are being laid out, but hope to have some previews of the items very soon!!.. But stay tuned as this develops and i drop more details on the launch of the new additions to the D.L. Empire!

Since I'm showing you guys this new, more personal version of the blog, why not show you guys my personal favorite self portraits I've taken of myself.. Thank you all for always supporting everything i do, and continue to follow all my projects and endeavors.. Much Love!

(click on photos to view larger)





Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fotography of the Day | DC in Motion

DC in Motion is a new photography project i began a few months ago with the purpose to learn a new shooting technique. While i do not know for how long this project will go on, and what i will do with it as i continue to move forward into my photography career, what i can tell you is to expect plenty of more DC in Motion photos!!

the start of this project began with one simple trial and error shot. While i understood the concept of panning photography, i never really have gone out to attempt it. I knew what what it required as far as settings and subject matter, but deep down i did not know how i would approach it from an idea point of view. Where did i want to go with it, and what did i want to portray. I didn't just want to take photos of moving objects just for the heck of it, i actually wanted to tell a story behind one of the busiest and most powerful city in the United States. The people, neighborhoods, and history of DC have really shaped what this project is all about.

Now while this project is in its early beginnings, i am proud of the subjects and story boards the photos are creating for my project, and i hope to be able to expand and capture more of the beauty and of course the busy fast pace life that is living in DC.

(click on photos to view larger)

DC in Motion | Biker

DC in Motion | DCPD

DC in Motion | FIT

DC in Motion | Red Running Hood

DC in Motion | Metro Bus

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

D.L. Films | House Tribe Halloween

This was one of the funnest projects I've ever had the chance to work on. Mainly of course because it was Halloween and the freaks in their costumes were out in full effect! haha.. I saw everything from a "Troy Polamalu" look alike to a girl dressed as a shower bathtub.. Yes a bathtub, Lol!.. As always The House Tribe rocked the party like only they know best, and had the entire Eden Lounge rooftop bouncing!!.. I know I'm late in showing you guys this video here, but if you follow my online social networking then you are no stranger to it, but if you don't, then this is what you missed..

This weekend i'll be working on another video for the latest House Tribe event.. Trust me when i say this, this will be one for the ages!!! so stay tuned!!