Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thoughtful Endlessness

Is there any better feeling than putting on some headphones, turning the volume as high as possible and shutting the world off? Sitting there with the beat, the rhythm, your thoughts, in that quiet space filled with emotions in a trance of your own desires as you let music just take you in a journey of stars and clouds, somewhere near Jupiter and Mars (Word to Mr. Sinatra)... Somewhere in your fast pace world where everything just seems to be going at about a million miles an hour and life is just passing you through you can take a moment to just sit back and enjoy whatever message that particular style of music brings you.. Whether you need it for creative flows, to jump start your day, to motivate your 2 hour work out at the gym, whatever it may be you know you can always count on that space of sound and rhythm to take you wherever you want it to take you.. Its funny people always say how a certain artist or music shape their lives... Feeling glad that you found something that connects you to popular culture, something that gives you a sense of identity, something that connects your own self with the rest of the world.. Yet its the loneliness of sound that attracts you to it in the first place, the escape from reality... Close your eyes and just enjoy that moment, stop time and look around your inner thoughts.. No more worries, if just for that spare moment of the day when it takes you off to another dimension...... I'm off to space! LISTEN TO GOOD MUSIC!!

Thanks for reading, and much love to everyone....


  1. Fly me to the moon and let me sing among those stars!!! Music definitely takes me on a journey back to memories of good times and happy places! : )

  2. Music, as a way of expression is always good, no matter the kind, remember, what you might deem good music might not be so for others, for that reason its always good to keep an open mind and be willing to give everything a try, who knows, you might find your best outlet in places you least expect...keep on writing!
